I’m also a digital marketing expert, self-education mastermind, book-writing, data-obsessed algorithm avenger, detail-loving self-care activist, stubborn-as-heck achiever and individualist, small town puppy parent, frequent flier, margarita mixologist, and official pancake-flipper for my happy fam of four.
See that? I’m not just ONE thing, and I can bet that neither are you!
I want to help you build that bridge between that unchecked dream life you put on the shelf… to you living it out starting, well, how about as soon as possible?
Forget hustle harder. Forget a mandatory 5 a.m. wake-up. Forget outlining your life plan in six-month, one-year, and five-year spans. Want to build a vision for your life that is unapologetically true to who you are and what you want? Here’s where you start.
The #1 marketing business podcast recorded in Jenna’s home coat closet, dishing the BEST mini-marketing trainings and can’t-stop-listening interviews with the most inspiring, powerful women from around the world.